I have a GT bike that I bought back in... maybe 1994. I can't remember exactly, it may have been 1993, I just know that I had it before I bought my townhouse in Apple Valley, Minnesota which was in the fall of 1994. I really like this bike. Not too many, but enough features to keep me happy. We used to do a lot of bike rides in Minnesota and I do miss the beautiful bike trails that run along the river banks. Sadly, it has been stored outside for 5 years and it was a total mess. So I packed it up in my car and took it to ... Tempe Bicycle.
Ta Dah! Here it is all spiffed up, new tires, new seat, handle grips, cables, you name it, it's new, except for the frame. I am so excited to have it in great working order. I have a new helmet, too. Doesn't it look sharp? Tempe Bicycle did a great job of fixing it up.
On my first bike ride, I thought I should take pictures of things I've seen. Look real close, under the mailbox and you will see the butt of a rooster. He was trying to get away from me.
Here are some cattle, but I didn't do such a great job of taking the photo - it is slanted, as you can see.
But I got this mailbox, which is kind of fun. I had to stop to be sure I got it centered in the photo. There is some horse property very close to where I live, and I rode my bike through there. It makes for a very nice morning ride.
I have taken my bike out a couple of times. My goal is to ride every other day. I know they say you don't forget how to ride a bike, but I sure felt rusty to me. Have a great day!
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