Tuesday, September 13, 2016

Shanghai By Night

While in Shanghai, we took a boat ride on the harbor at night and it was absolutely breath taking.
This is the boat we were on - kind of like a river boat.  Below is a small cruise ship in the harbor.

Side note:  Do you see the crane in the background in the photo below?
I heard a statistic while we were there.  That is...
one-third of all of the cranes in the world are in China.
And I believe it.
They were everywhere - so much building going on.
A lot of apartment homes were under construction.
Bigger, taller, and better than the ones before.
I'll show pictures of those later.
We were able to sit on the very front of the boat and
these two young girls sat at our table.
They were more than happy to pose for a picture for me.
Yes, I loved shanghai!

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