Tuesday, October 7, 2014

When you move...

there are always a few snags, right?  Well, I had a couple, that's for sure.   First, and something very frustrating to me was that we had ...


Let me tell you, that can bring me to tears.  I spent two or three nights on the phone with my internet provider while they tried to figure out what was wrong.  You know what it was?  When I moved, the system changed the password and reverted back to it's own password.  It took me a week to get that up and running.  
And then... on Day 6 of being in the new house...
The AC went out.  Really?  Yes, really!  I felt like I was living in a dream, or I guess a nightmare.  Thank goodness I had the home warranty, that really helped. It was hotter than 91 degrees in the house, but that's as hot as the thermostat would register.  We ended up in a hotel for two nights, and then it still was not quite right.  They had to come back out and make some adjustments.  
We're here now, and things seem to have calmed down, but it is taking me a lot longer to unpack than I had hoped.  I know it will happen.

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