Saturday, September 30, 2017

Okay, this might be the ultimate craft project...

I am still working on my house - does that ever end?  I had some painting to do on the carport.  The ceiling of my carport fell down one day (a couple of years ago) and I had it repaired with new drywall and spackling but it still needed to be painted.  Honestly, I simply put it out of my mind and never did it.  If I didn't look up, I could easily forget about it.  But... it still needed to be done.

 Here are the "before" photos.
 The picture below is "after" I finished the front section.  
 The picture below is the back section - and (thankfully), I ran out
of paint (darn!) and wasn't able to finish it.
I have to admit I was getting really tired anyway.
So this week I will get another gallon of Navajo White
paint and finish it next weekend, along with the trim.
So ... in order to get this done, I had to look at it
as a craft project and take it one small area at a time.
I have to admit, I felt a sense of accomplishment
and it's not even done yet!

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