Saturday, May 28, 2011

Just something green

I just love this water color/art work.  I'm not sure why, but I can only guess that it is because it is simple and it is green, which is my absolute favorite color - it has been for years.  All colors of green, but this kelly green just really speaks to me.  It means things are alive.  So you might think I have a green thumb.  I don't, but I do appreciate people who do.  I mean... I can if I put my mind to it.  I used to have house plants all over, but haven't done that for years.  I have been thinking about planting flowers in pots for my patio.  This may have given me the nudge I need.  (I found this photo in a blog, and I couldn't tell you whose it is, but I appreciate their abilities.)
Have a great weekend!

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