Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Making headway...

I am plugging away on my rag quilt.  I am amazed at the fact that I don't spend much time on it, but I seem to make measurable headway.  I am still sewing my squares together to make rows.  Last night I started with this stack (actually more because I didn't take the photo before I started sewing)...

 Okay, more sewing...
 The "finished stack" (hanging on the back of the chair) is growing...
Here's what's left - 3 rows!  I placed one row across my bed last night and decided I am going to need to make a border so that it will hang down the sides of my bed.  Another thought?  I could get a smaller bed.  :)

1 comment:

Tiffany Hernandez said...

Love the colors in the quilt, miss ya. Tiff.