Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Summer's Over and It's That Time of Year Again...

Yep, back to school.  My daughter, Kate, still "goes back to school" every year.  She is a first grade teacher in Phoenix.  She worked all last week, but Monday was her first day with 33 kids in her class.  I sent her a text, wishing her a good day and said I was sorry to have missed her Back to School photo.  Before I show you this year's photo, I want to go back and show you a few older ones.

So now, here is Kate's "back to school" photo for 2012...
She had a friend take this photo.  Kate is ready for school, but she's missing her backpack, new shoes, and her little sister. 
Here's to a great school year, Kate!


Adriana said...

Jean it is not to late to buy her a pair of shoes. If you buy Kimmy a pair (maybe 2) I am sure she would pose with Katie for a photo. I hope Katie has a great year.

Laurie said...

Cute post! Loved it! She looks adorable in her classroom.