Tuesday, October 16, 2012

Greek Festival

Holy Trinity Catholic Church in Phoenix held their 52nd (?) Annual Greek Festival.  I had never been and my friend, Maryanna, wanted to go - she was invited by friends - so we went.  Nicole and her girls met us there, but I failed to get photos of the girls.  So sorry, Bob and Marlene (a/k/a Gramma and Grandpa Sota).
 There was dancing... lots of dancing...
and food. 
Don't be surprised by this lamb on a spit.
This particular lamb was being raffled off and I believe tickets were $10 each.
It looked a little too gamey for me - and really big!
What would you do with all of that meat?
Did you ever see the movie "My Big Fat Greek Wedding" ?  
It really made me laugh, but the lamb on the spit reminded me of the scene where they are cooking out in the front yard.
Here's the scene.  Lots of people.  Meat on a spit.
I can't remember the names of this dessert, but they were the Greek version of donuts.
Very good - they tasted like honey.  
We had a nice afternoon.  
Weather was absolutely gorgeous!
Company was great!


Katie said...

We looked everywhere in Greece for these and couldn't find them. Everyone talked about them, but we never found them. Katie even asked a very cute Greek man "Where are the donuts?" I'm pretty sure he thought we were crazy.

tainted with a positive view said...

If a young American girl asked me "where are the donuts?" I would have thought there was more behind that question. You crack me up.